Paulina Tsvetanova - Paulina's Friends

  I N  P U L S E  M A G A Z I N E

Paulina is a selfmade entrepreneur from Berlin, fashion designer, author, transformation artist, generalist, serendipity expert.

PAULINA’S FRIENDS is a serendipity workshop, a business that most often resembles a traveling circus. Born out of necessity, uncertainty and the urge for creativity, autonomy and freedom, first as a concept store in Bikini Berlin, later as a showroom in Berlin-Mitte. The missing financial resources were curse and blessing at the beginning of her self employment. So she was virtually forced to go unorthodox, unconventional ways beyond the mainstream. Its concept unfolds in the chaos of permanent change. It needs no concept, no boundaries, no focus, no goal. 

 PAULINA’S FRIENDS owes its success to the failure and the game with happy coincidences. Pure Life!


PAULINA’S FRIENDS is her lifelong dream, which was fulfilled in 2016. She always wanted to wear, curate and sell unusual, fine pieces for refined, non-conformist people. In this endeavor, one needn’t decide on a single medium or genre, on the contrary, all of the arts are brought together. Since her childhood, she have been seeking this vision, to build bridges between mutually-reinforcing worlds, to spark synergies and to open up new visual perspectives and feelings. Following her archaeological instinct for the hunt and her sense of beauty, she hase  always loved to unearth and curate treasures that many others cannot see.


She said : Even the composition of an outfit is a borderless, comprehensive art. I love creative exchange with people of all ages and cultures — to establish interpersonal relationships and cultivate authentic lifestyles is a labor of love.

I left my south-eastern European home Bulgaria as a young woman, in order to study art history, philosophy, byzantine art/ christian archeology, and later on cultural management.

 Paulina: Many years of in-depth experience in the art world followed: I built up an european network for contemporary sculpture, managed a gallery, and worked as the marketing and distribution director for an art and design magazine. In addition, I have been actively involved in the organization and implementation of various renowned Berlin art fairs. Please check my CV in order to find more information about my background.

P A U L I N A S  F R I E N D S  F A S H I O N 

G I R L S F A S H I O N 

Diversity Fashion Week AFTER SHOTS 2020

Shots by Cornelis Blokbergen

Styling by Fashionable Stylist SS

Concept by : Pulse Magazine

Models From Diversity Model Agency NL

Shots by Marcel Maximiliaan Schwab

Styling by Fashionable Stylist SS

M E N F A S H I O N 

Diversity Fashion Week AFTER SHOTS 2020

Shots by Marcel Maximiliaan Schwab

Styling by Fashionable Stylist SS

Concept by : Pulse Magazine

Models From Diversity Model Agency NL



Winter Wonder Land Sneak peek edition inspired by "Alice Through the Looking glass"  

Paulina's FULL Show

Designer : Paulina Tsvetanova
Collection: @paulinasfriendsfashion
Photography by : @schwab.marcel
Choreographer : Jerry Luxeburg
Models : @dma_models
Location: EFEVENUE

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3 years ago

Hi dear Reka, you can get in touch with me over
Sure we will be in London in the future!
Follow us on instagram @paulinasfriendsfashion

3 years ago

Amazing colours, the blue one is the best because blue is for hapiness. The ocean is blue, the clear sky. Do you have any events in London?
Take care

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